Funeral Rites

If you ask any Sunni or Shia whether they believe in the verses that say GOD did not leave anything out of the book or that QURAN is a fully detailed complete scripture, they would swear by GOD that they believe that. But after claiming that they believe in these verses, they would resort to numerous other commands under the apparent disguise of upholding the explanations of the Prophet Mohamed. This is the same for Makbool Hussain's followers.

Whether its Sunni, Shia or Makbool's followers, they take multiple meanings out of verses to corrupt and divert people from the truth, the "truth" which obviously is the QURAN. Those who uphold the straightforward verses and reject the multiple meanings they create are disbelievers in their eyes.

My elder brother is one of the prominent religious leaders of Makbool, who has made a living out of selling his soul. When our father passed away, he was hell-bent over to uphold Makbool's commands besides the commands of GOD.

Because Makbool followers are so accustomed to taking a part of the verse and either by splitting the verse or deleting the rest, GOD prohibited my brother from saying the words before or after " teach..." in verse 5:31. He could not say the part about the raven or the part to say "to teach him" (Adam's Son).

QURAN has no ambiguity for those who believe. What did GOD Will to decree from this incident? was it to decree rest of the humankind to the command to bury those who die? or was it something else?

To teach who?

5:31 GOD then sent a raven to scratch the soil, to teach him how to bury his brother’s corpse. He said, “Woe to me; I failed to be as intelligent as this raven, and bury my brother’s corpse.” He became ridden with remorse. Grossness of Murder

Here you can simply witness GOD did not leave anything out of the book and what GOD intended to decree from this whole incident.

5:32. Because of this, we decreed for the Children of Israel that anyone who murders any person who had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people. Our messengers went to them with clear proofs and revelations, but most of them, after all this, are still transgressing.

Does it say that because of this GOD has decreed that human corpses should be buried? Does it say that humans should "refrain from" (prohibition) putting corpses in coffins or caskets? Is Makbool's followers disbelieving and rejecting GOD's revelations which say HE DID NOT LEAVE ANYTHING OUT OF THE BOOK?

Those who have true guidance and knowledge of the QURAN, they would know if ALLAH made it obligatory to bury the corpse, HE would give alternative ways to dispose of corpses in cases where people were burdened to buy a plot of land to bury or if someone died on a ship on a long sail. Simply because QURAN is that detailed and complete, beyond their imagination.

At my father's funeral, Makbool Hussain's followers were so determined to uphold Makbool's commands and wipe out the existence of ONE GOD. They were so determined to prove that ALLAH lied that HE did leave important commands out of the book. Praise be to GOD, from the beginning of the funeral till the end, I kept on screaming, that there is no GOD except ONE GOD, to prove it to them they cannot erase the truth.